About 3 Sided Football !?!?!?

Monday, 12 October 2015

3:33rd game!

Our third game was held at 3:33pm, with Jo, Noah and Anabella, Rosa and Evie and Zevi, Rumi and me.

Anabella was also with Jo but was on crutches, with a bad ankle, so was sitting the game out. We had the youngsters pick teams and so we had

Rumi and Joanna
Evie and Rosa,
Noah, Zevi and Asim

as the first teams. Again we didn't name our teams. However after the first third, Rumi wanted to change the teams around as he felt my team had an advantage and wanted to be with me. On discussing with the group however the younger players decided that they all wanted to be with Noah as he had been playing really well (and it was him, not me, that gave my team the advantage!) in the first third. Anabella also decided she would like to join in and asked if she could play in goal for one team. So the teams changed around, for the second and third third, to:

Evie, Noah, Rumi
Jo and Rosa
Asim, Zevi and Anabella

Interestingly we ended up with :

1 team exclusively of children,
1 team of women
and my team which was mixed in terms of age and gender and incidentally was the only team with a man in !

One focus that we have developed over the last few games in on passing and crossing. The younger players certainly play the game more as individuals rather than as a team and so Rosa was keen to show how passing and teamwork helps make a team more effective.

I lost count of the scores but Rumi was sure he had won and Rosa assures me that her team did not lose so I guess it was my team that lost! It was a great match though and also one where I have had to work harder than previous games. Zevi was constantly asking for hugs which made the game interesting too!

Lat week we got some emails from the psychic workers at DAMTP through the alytusbiennial mailing list. Here are some extracts.

From Strategic Optimist Football:

This is really great! SOF is in full support. 

btw, perhaps you also know the psychogeographical significance of Parker's Piece in terms of the history of football?!


Surely no coincidence! I think by introducing 3sf here, at this strategic point for Association Football's genesis, you might actually be able to somehow exorcise the formalisation of the binarist system that was introduced into the game here by it ruling class codifiers. Perhaps a similar logic to our (so far unsuccessful) attempts to organise an exorcism of the National Football in Manchester - which incidentally we were meant to do yesterday, but it fell through.

Anyway, best of luck to you all with future games! 

ps. we are experimenting with different, complementary scoring systems this year in Deptford too, to try to get away from the quantative/qualitative dilemma you describe. We'll see how it pans out.

there is nothing bad when all 4 types of those starting on a...  are gathering together to do something common, much worse is to leave them for specialized activities.

also i have some proposition for C3SF due to the choose of colors... there in Britain people have a lot of problems with colo(ur)nialism.... there is not so much difference when you change white into yellow... I would offer for C3SF special set of colors: cyan for C, sienna for S and fuchsia for F.
there are plenty names to choose from:  http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_colornames.asp
I think there is time to start to develop situocolouring


"There is no fuchsia in England's dreaming"

So future experiments with colours are definitely on the cards... maybe we could have a t-shirt making session?

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