About 3 Sided Football !?!?!?

About C3SF

What is 3SF????

3-sided football (3SF) is an invention of the Situationist artist Asger Jorn in the 1960s as a way to understand his ideas of Triolectics. While the game was never played officially by the Situationists, in the 1990s the London Psychogeographical Association (LPA) started to play the game in the spirit of psychogeogaphy and "experimental situations". The Association of Autonomous Astronauts (AAA) also used the game to train for space travel!

There are now various groups around the world who play the game in different ways... the first world cup was played in Silkeborg this year (2015).

About Cambridge 3SF

The Cambridge Three Sided football games will continue these kind of experimental situations - as zones of pedagogical /proximal / proletarian development (Vygotsky/ Shah-Shujah)

As a "disabled" person - having vestibular migraine and ME/CFS, I have to be very careful with how i use what little energy I have. This is especially true having 2 young children to look after so I am interested in how 3SF can be used as an inclusive space where peopole can get involved regardless of health age and ability...

Our games are open to ALL AGES and ALL ABILITIES. So we're interested how we organise as "reproductive workers", rather than academics, athletes, activists or artists  !!!

Games are of 3 halves (or thirds) each lasting 10 minutes or so each. We usually decide how long the game will be on the day depending on who is playing. So far all games have been on a Sunday at Parkers Piece but check "Next Game" link to be sure! 

Everyone is welcome to join in - including passers by or other park goers on the day! You can email me: asimkhairdean @ gmail.com if u want to get/provide/correct info

Some other teams who play Three Sided Football:

Thanks to:

Cambridge Lettrist And Situationist Society (CLASS)

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